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Whats USA like these days

Last updated on 16 years ago
National healthcare?

Hmm.. yeah it sounds great.. but it really isn't that great.

With national Healthcare you get to go to the doctor's, yes, but you don't really get much of a treatment.

The hospitals don't get pay as high because people aren't paying for the hospital.. the government is and we all know how well governments spend money.. it's not that they don't want to spend it on better Doctors or equipment.. it's that they can't. It's too many things for them to regulate.

So, what happens is people who are sick get to go to the doctors that the government approves of (cheap ones) and they get their symptoms cured.. just not the actual problem..

Pyro.. you might want to check out that movie again.. I doubt people in Guantanamo have better healthcare than I do.. I highly doubnt it. If I get sick I just give them my healthcare card and I have to pay what? 20 bucks? and they take care of the rest and I get the best of treatment.
i have really good health care....
i had back surgery and didnt pay a dime, and only pay 5 bucks when i show them my health card at the doctors
Bullshit cupid. In this movie, Micheal Moore took some people to Cuba for some healt care, EVERYTHING was free for them. Except the medicines which werw 10x less expensive the, Just watch the movie.
That's Micheal Moore..

Have you done research on any of his movies like Fahrenheit 911 or Bowling for Columbine?

Some of his shit is true, but most of it is just lies..

Don't listen to Micheal Moore, dude. the guy is an idiot.

A lot of things he said about guns and gun laws were just untrue and it pissed me off.
Plus I don't know about you.. but I'd rather go to a hospital that's in a first world republic versus a third world communist state.

How good could the hospitals in Cuba be? Not very..
Dude...The movie is a Documentary. It's not some made up bullshit.
And no, they were very good. They helped every single one of those people out. Watch the fuckin movie. You'll see.


PyRo wrote:
Bullshit cupid. In this movie, Micheal Moore

No need to read further, Micheal Moore is the biggest deutche bag in the whole world and I am pretty sure he knows it! Most of what he uses that is not true, is presented in a manipulative way, and he manipulates the facts he initially uses to support his 'facts'. He claims his movies are documentaries, but all they are is documented bullshit. He claimed once that America was so unsafe that we have to lock our doors, where as Canada doesn't. BULLSHIT, there are places in the united states and Canada where people don't bother, but ask a Canadian if he locks his doors. I bet he does, guns do not cause in-safety, people do, and there are people all over who make shit up. Take Micheal Moore for instance.

You guys are fucking stupid. The movie isn't a fake. It's a documentary about America's shitty health care. God damn. Fucking idiots
Micheal Moore is a Gigantic Hypocritical Deutche bag, who is a multi millionaire narcissist with EXPENSIVE Manhattan homes and a nice million dollar Beach front property who claims to be the hero of the working class, when the most work he has ever done was getting off his ass to make yet another worthless movie that manipulates truth in the disguise of facts. He produces more shit then all of the united states bowel systems together, he preys on the weak minded and the weak willed by making you fear things that are not really there and sets himself as the peak standard of civilized men when in reality he is a fool who wants to be important. Micheal Moore is nothing a soothsayer, and a terrible one at that. He just doesn't deserve to live.
He may be a douchebag. But the movie makes sense. It's not a fake I assure you.
Pyro.. seriously.. I have watched all of his films, with the exception of Sicko, and he just makes shit up... Anvil is right he takes what ever dead rumor there is and brings it to life with lies.

Look up Cuba's health care system.. and educate yourself on it.
Watch the movie and then look up some of the shit he says. He has clips in there of brutal shit.
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Dang, been a while. Hope the Voltz peeps are all doing well. -Prae
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Cupid is a peetis
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