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Important!! I'm sorry...

Last updated on 16 years ago
Okay. This is how it started….

About four years ago I joined the Red Faction clan “D.a.w.G” Now that I think of it. I can’t remember for my life what it stands for. There were a lot of cool people in it and they asked me to join. There I learned the way of the above average Red Faction player.
No amps, hmg, etc.

However… the choice of my character would lead me down an uncontrollable lie that I have successfully carried for about four years now. I chose the female miner in the red suit. Personally, I think this was very beautiful. That’s why I chose her. That’s the ONLY reason I chose her. My intentions were to just have fun.

I had the name Zak (D.a.w.G) obviously I was a guy, right? Well, clan members started asking “Dude are you a girl?” I said yes. I honestly didn’t think they were serious. I mean, why would my name be Zak if I were a girl? How could people be so stupid?

Surprise, surprise.. they are. They soon got a bit smarter two or three months later asking: “if you’re a girl, why is your name Zak?” But at that point, things were too complicated.

Everyone knows how a name in any game, not just Red Faction, can earn respect and carry a player. I didn’t want to give up all the respect I earned. I didn’t just want to throw it down the trash. At that point I had already gained trust of very good, respect RF players. Cujo, Mr. Fluffers. I didn’t want to give all of that up. Am I really all to blame?

I had to think of something quick! How could I possibly convince people that Zak was a girl’s name? How? I know now that shouldn’t have been my concern. My concern should have been telling the truth to the friends I have made and perhaps gaining their respect by telling the truth. I was afraid though. I didn’t want to lose their friendship and defiantly not their trust.

So here is where all the Censored started.

“I am a girl.. ZAK is just my initials backwards” What Censored that was!!! What the Hell was I thinking? Why am I lying? Why? What will this gain me? I thought to myself that it won’t gain me any thing. But it will keep my trust and friendship with the people I had already made. So they asked me my name.

So I took the name of my current girlfriend, a name that I thought was beautiful for the middle name.. and there is really only one last name that could start with a “Z”

Kristi Annette Ziggler

So my name was officially changed from “Zak (D.a.w.G) to Kristi (D.a.w.G)

So I kept that going very well. The clan D.a.w.G died. So I, Kristi, joined the clan Voltz. Voltz was already a “friendship gang” in the town I live in. All my friends were Voltz members, so they played the game Red Faction and they decided to make a clan Voltz. The clan was never that big, but we had fun and we all liked eachother a lot. The members were Cyphis (My friend Sam) Seiryuu (Another Sam but not related), Dingus (Brother of the first Sam [Cyphis]) Gotya, Goochem and of course yours truly, Kristi.

The name of Kristi was officially burned into the Red Faction community so the name <Voltz>Kristi was my official title.

Then, under the name of Kristi, I got mad at the clan SmK (Squad of Mystic Knights). So I made up another identity (Achilles) and joined SmK. *[SmK]* Achilles was my name for that clan. After about a week I gained rcon under that name and Kristi went in their server and banned all the members.

I don’t know why I did that. I look back on it now and I have NO idea why I did it. I wish I never did it, because in all honesty the people from SmK (Now BAW*((() were very cool.

So I’ll skip ahead to the present time. At this point in history I have gained the respect of so many people. Respect, loyalty, trust and even some love. I couldn’t just say “Hey! I’m a guy!”

So a myspace was made for Kristi and I had to find a person who was willing to give me pictures of her. So I chose my cousin who was more than willing to take on the role of Ms. Ziggler.

That’s why I saw an opportunity to poke my head in, The real me. So I went under the name of Cupid (Long story)

And every thing was perfect. The LIE was perfect. I just had to say “Yeah he’s my cousin that’s why he’s here all the time”

I was in so much Censored at this point it wasn’t even funny.

I had a freaking credit card linked to my bank account with her name on it…


Then I (Zak) Met a really cool guy on the internet, whose name will not be revealed for privacy purposes. We were really cool online I talked to him just like one of my buddies. He helped me with servers and computer stuff and I felt bad since I couldn’t return the favor. We even talked about him coming down here and hitting up the clubs of Cincinnati together. Which, if you’re reading this, I’m still up for.

However, I should have known someone would find out. I Was surprised that it was only one person and he was willing to keep his mouth shut. I wish he didn’t. I wish he just went to every forum he could and just tell everyone the Kristi and Cupid are the same person!! Then I would at least have his respect maybe.

But no. I was willing to lost the friendship I gained with him to keep the identity of a person who doesn’t exsist.

And now. About a year later.

The clan Voltz is back up and running and with a eye on a very promising horizon. We have quite a few members. None of whom would of joined if it weren’t for Kristi. The current members are Fossil, Pyro, SikiK Default, Alex, Megatron and XtaC. I know once they and all my friends read this. They’ll probably quit and hate me.

But now I have so many friends Including Pyro, Hapa, Luna Cujo and countless others that just know the name of Kristi.

I am sorry, my friends. I don’t want to lose your friendship.

This is why I am writing this letter. I want your forgiveness.

I want my friends that I have made both as Cupid and Kristi to be my friends forever.

I want the clan Voltz to actually prosper. Not just die out like what I expect.

I want your forgiveness, Bear and Wicked.

I want the guy I met online to be cool with me again.

I’m SICK of having to change my name for certain people. Making up lies.

I won’t lie anymore.
I won't quit o_O, No biggie man.
i just have one question....... what made you come clean all of a sudden?:|
Just like God says "if you cant take a joke, kill yourself"
I don't know. I was just thinking. I mean.. How far was I going to take it? Eventually people would want to meet her. and.. being how she doesn't exsist...

Meh. I guess we all have secrets. Just, Some are bigger than others. Haha.
Red Bull gives you wings, I'll give you the one way ticket back.
OMG this means you and Kristy are one person and YOU are an guy? With beard and so? :D

I would not cancel now, but now is it easier to loose an 1vs1 with you *smile*
Loose vs a girl is too hard =)
D-fault - L!b - Ur$eL - Bond - $tan

wow.. what can i say.. i did trusted you...

So everything was all a lie? gues you wasnt married also..


It cost time to trust people, and with things like this, it creates aversion against online "contacts".

Well, gues you are releaved now..
What is this FINAL FANTASY VII all over again? Well, just as i thought, girls are good , but not that good. So after it's all said and done, Kristi is actually Cupid and Cupid is actually Kristi. Lets move on.
Indeed, I agree
Oh and... Ender...aka Keitha...aka PixelGirl is a real girl and Milky is... That's all I know that are real good still.
Red Bull gives you wings, I'll give you the one way ticket back.
What about Maggie? Idk if it's a chick or not, But she poon's o_O
Maggie is LUNA, Karen is Tygress.
Red Bull gives you wings, I'll give you the one way ticket back.
Sumbitch o_O...
There is NO WAY Maggie and Luna are the same. Luna is good.. but she's not that good...
They're the same. I've known Maggie for a long time. Her dad was the leader of my second clan ToXiC.
Red Bull gives you wings, I'll give you the one way ticket back.
No way, I poon luna, Maggie poons me o_O
Hmm? LUNA lie to me? No way! Well, In the past few weeks I've decided anything can happen.
Red Bull gives you wings, I'll give you the one way ticket back.
That is true...But idk, I can beat Luna pretty badly....I can barely frag Maggie x.x
lol...Maybe I got it wrong and it's Karen's sister? I can't remember.
Red Bull gives you wings, I'll give you the one way ticket back.
Maggie <> LUNA

Oh.. and Maggie isn't a girl
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nesquickk6 months ago
hi again. did the shoutbox get deleted, hahahaa
PraeTorian11 months ago
Dang, been a while. Hope the Voltz peeps are all doing well. -Prae
Cupid4 years ago
PyRo4 years ago
Cupid is a peetis
Cupid4 years ago
HEllo all
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