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Word's hatred against NZ's Telecom network

Last updated on 15 years ago
As you may well know, New Zealand is in a remote location, secluded from any major neighbors by a few thousand kilometers.
An estimated 4,331,600 people living in a space of 268,680 km2 (103,738 sq mi).

These figures show that we are a small yet developed nation and we take pride in who we are. Except the lack of technology available in New Zealand.
Here there is a telecommunications company called Telecom, who owns nearly all of lines of connection from here to anywhere.
Because they own most of it, they can control the prices and the ancient systems the whole nation runs on.

A first hand example is me.
I pay 39.95$ (29.89$ US) for 1GB of DSL broadband. The speed is about 6kbps when I go over the date usage (as it says in my signature below) and the fastest I've ever gotten it is 200-240 kbps.

As you can see, I and many others are getting ripped off, even though we are pretty up there in the world.
Telecom is milking us.

An interesting thing about Telecom is they can get away with all these shitty prices and shitty service.
So you ask " Why don't we change our system to something thats better?"
Well simply putting it, Telecom buys out all of the company's who try to make NZ telecommunications better and more affordable. Since they have all our cash stored away in a safe.

Another first hand experience of this is, yet again, me.
About 4 years ago, a company called Saturn created these green boxes outside every house in Christchurch (3rd biggest town in NZ) also where I live.
Even though back then I didn't know much about the "milking of NZ" but I would of been excited if I did.

Yet again, Telecom comes over and buys the whole fucking company out and leaves NZ in the dark about it.
Of course the selfish bastards leave the boxes there and don't finish the job.

Telecom's bullying has caused an upsurge with us NZers, and the company was taken to court about the bullying.

Below is a link describing what happened in the court.

Maybe someday this selfish company would revise and take action about the issues, such as finishing the jobs of the green boxes, But by then the system would be at least 10 years old.


NZers will call such a uproar that Telecom would have to take action, By packing up their heavy sacks of money and walking out of NZ with a big profit and head over seas. (Perhaps Tahiti?)

Edit: Would you kind people perhaps share the prices, speeds and information about the telecommunication networks in America?
In America it's better, but it's still shit compared with the rest of the world. I'm paying something like $60/mo for 10/.8 cable, with an 80/35GB cap (that, of course, they don't tell you about until you hit it). My ISP has a monopoly over the entire eastern part of my state and their network is horrifyingly bad.

In South Korea you can get like a 10000000gigabit connection for 2 cents a month, lolol.
I want to move to South Korea then.


These figures show that we are a small yet developed nation and we take pride in who we are.

I read this and thought what a fucking racist idiot.

You take pride in "who we are". So if you weren't from another nation, you wouldn't take pride in it. That's what it implies.

Well that's some shit when you're made up of prison exports and you take pride in it.

That really is some shit.
It means he is proud of being a New Zealander, plain and simple. Pride, of course, is a word a person like you really wouldn't comprehend.
Failed to grasp what I meant and came out with a trolltastic erroneous statement.

Better luck next time.


It means

The problem is with you not grasping things, not me. If you say you are proud of being from whatever place, culture, religion, nation, it doesn't matter. You are saying hi I am proud of where I am from, who I belong to, whatever. So if you are saying that, the converse is that you would be less proud if you are from another place. Thus, racism.


You see the converse is that I would take less pride if I was black, thus racism. You can't say well you might also take pride in being black, because if things are equal then there is no pride. Taking pride is above the norm, thus the converse in said situation is going to be that you would take less pride in being black. If you are from Korea and you take pride in being Korean, you would take less pride in being say, American. This becomes hugely ironic in Words case because about 80% of New Zealanders which would identify as a European ethnic group it also becomes hugely ironic when you take into account they have the United Kingdom to thank for a stable economy (going back a few years). Note, United Kingdom and not England. I can understand you probably think they are the same.

Also, It's quite funny to watch an old man try to wind me up and fail. When I am your age, I sure hope I have more pride than to argue with people half my age on the internet.

I'd request you stop harassing me, but we all know Cupid is a biased, broken admin. So I am not giving you permission to continue to break voltz rules; however I am not going to try enforce them and what's more, making a grown man look like a fucking idiot is actually quite humorous.

I take pride in the fact that not even older people can beat me in debates. You see, I was able to use the word "pride" without linking it to my race, culture etc. That way I offended no one.

I eagerly await your fallacious response.
There is no "converse" to the statement because he is simple saying he is proud of himself and his country. If you have to look for the converse of this statement it is because you have found nothing in yourself to be proud of, and therefore, take offense to his pride.


Kenny wrote:
There is no "converse" to the statement because he is simple saying he is proud of himself and his country. If you have to look for the converse of this statement it is because you have found nothing in yourself to be proud of, and therefore, take offense to his pride.

That's not how it was written. What he means could be different, but what is written, the converse can exist and I explained why :).

Your argument is weak and ad hominem is your only counter. As I said, I await your fallacious reply. ~~


we take pride in who we are.

So if you were other people you'd take less pride! :).

You are a very funny guy. If I remember rightly, you got some guy to wield a part of your motorbike, because you weren't capable of doing so. Lol.

I'd hate to be an incapable man (and it really is a male thing) that had to get others to do things.

I take pride in who I am, that I can make or fix things, and do it all alone. Without being some weak bit of piss that has to tell his girlfriend/wife "hey sorry, I haven't any hand skills so I'm going to pay some other douche to do it".

I kind of feel sorry for you. I mean, if you were really intelligent maybe that would make up for it but you can't even differentiate the difference between "your" and "you're".

Oh well, maybe you are good at baking cakes or painting or something. Who knows.
Why do you have to attack people as soon as you return?
I'm quite surprised actually, making a bit deal out of something that only you find wrong.

Can anyone find that "taking pride to who we are" wrong?
You are so weak and pathetic.

The one attacking people is you, I am just calling you out on it. You and I both know that the majority of people here dislike me, so even IF they agreed with me, they'd side with you.

So your argument appealing to majority holds no water.

I gave logic and reasoning as to why your statement is racist. You gave what? Questions, idiocy, and argumentum ad populum.

If a Canadian said, "I take pride in being Canadian." (I just picked Canada, it can be any country). I wouldn't think of them as racist / prejudice at all. The person is proud of their countries accomplishments or progress.

Even if we asked the converse and asked him, "If you were from America (or anywhere else), would you take pride in being American", and he said No. I still wouldn't think he is racist b/c it's reasonable to say someone can be proud of one countries' accomplishments and not anothers. (Also it could have been any country, I just picked America).
Well Philip, to avoid typing 1000s of words across the screens, I'm sorry that I've offended you.
Do you wish me to edit my post?
You haven't offended me.


it's reasonable to say someone can be proud of one countries' accomplishments and not anothers.

Agreed, but the problem is that they haven't actually accomplished too much. So when one is blindly proud of one country and not another, you have to ask the question as to why?

Also, take this further down the line.

Bob is from Canada, and Bob certainly would not be as proud as if he were American.

Bob goes on holiday (vacation) to Australia. He goes to this bar and meets a guy from America called John.

Bob would think more of John if he was from Canada. Why? He is proud of Canada and who they are. He isn't so proud of America. Bob goes home.

Bob is proud of Canada for the hot girls and the good education. Bob speaks on the internet to a girl that he hasn't seen the picture of. The girls name is Brittany, she says she is from America. Bob thinks to himself that she would probably be smarter, slimmer, better if she was Canadian.

I know it's an extremely exaggerated argument but when you start thinking one country is above another for whatever reasons, you start to think more of the people in that country. It might not be as extreme as the situation I provided but there will still be a slight difference.

Thus, racism.

*excuse my edits


Why do you have to attack people as soon as you return?

I'll always see you as a cheating person that quit using PF because he cheated. I also see most people as scum.

Don't get me wrong, I am racist and admit to racism; I admit it though.
I don't really care if you think I'm a cheater, since I don't even play RF any more.
I just come here as a regular forum.

Also, you think being proud of who you are is racist, so are you proud of being an American?


Word wrote:
I don't really care if you think I'm a cheater, since I don't even play RF any more.
I just come here as a regular forum.

Also, you think being proud of who you are is racist, so are you proud of being an American?


I am not American.
Oh sorry, then whatever your nationality is, are you proud of it?
Not really, it is what it is.

I am proud of who I am; what my country has done has little to do with me. I guess it is nice to be from a country that wasn't made up of foreigners.
Being neutral to cover your theory of racism?

Franky, I don't really care, because everyone has the right to make their OWN opinions.
You think its racist to be proud of your nationality.
I don't.
But, an important thing to remember is that individuals shouldn't abuse/provoke people if it can be avoided. In this cause, Philip you shouldn't call people a 'fucking racist idiot' as you did to me, when merely your perception to a certain sentence is different to the people around you.

Why can't we all just get along?


Being neutral to cover your theory of racism?


There's little reason to be proud of a country, it's fucking stupid. It has little to do with you.

The successful countries have been barbaric, and the one's that have invented / achieved nothing, don't even get heard of and are generally made up of people that are from countries that were barbaric.

So whatever.


But, an important thing to remember is that individuals shouldn't abuse/provoke people if it can be avoided. In this cause, Philip you shouldn't call people a 'fucking racist idiot' as you did to me, when merely your perception to a certain sentence is different to the people around you.

Why can't we all just get along?

You are a stupid cunt.

The whole thread was based on hatred.


Word's hatred against NZ's Telecom network


As you may well know, New Zealand is in a remote location, secluded from any major neighbors by a few thousand kilometers.

If we may well know, or could just GOOGLE it anyway WHY THE FUCK even tell us and what the fuck has it got to do with the topic title. Hell if I know.
Its cause it has an obvious valid point and isn't directed at one single individual. Unlike your case.

Look here Philip, its just a matter of opinion.
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