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How did everyone get their name?

Last updated on 16 years ago
Okay most of us have our real names and then our computer aliases. I think it would be cool if we told the story of how we went from one name to another.

My real name is Zachary, but I prefered to be called Zak since "ZAK" are my initials.

We all know the story of Kristi and I won't go in to how I got her name, unless you really want me to.

But as for Cupid. Junior year in high school I played "Cupid" with some of my friends.. you know.. trying to hook them up with eachother make their lives nice and such.

That's the basic story of where Cupid came from, but there's another aspect of me that fits with the name Cupid.

I love romance. I think a more fitting phrase would be that I love, love itself. I like being romantic and all the mushy "gay" stuff most guys would say.

So there's my story.

Anyone else?
I think it's also a funny fact that if you click on my profile in the Voltz forum.. you'll see that the day I joined was "February 14, 2008"

Which is Valentine's Day. Again, I didn't plan that!
Well, My real name is James, However call me James and you'll be ignored. Jimmy or PyRo is fine. I go by PyRo not just online, Few people I know call my PyRo...It's my nickname tbh o.o...lol
81 | dan...well, my name is Dan. Or "guitar"...I play guitar.

I'm not really known for my creativity...:|
lol my real names Henri , lol and im not sure how i came into my name as CreamY but like 5 years ago i was playing RF and i usualla used the Name Henri or SodaPop then Executioner but then i thought of sumting funny so i created ChocoAssCream :p so i was 81_ChocoAssCream so the leader hog smurfed and put his name to CreamY so i was then known as CreamY cuz my name was to long (ChocoAssCream) but theres ppl still who call me choco or cocoa XD XD so idk yo idk how i get the z0r in my name :p but i liekd it and became Creamz0r :)!

i still call u choco lol thats u name in my phone under ur number:P

wont go into my real life name matt - mathew,, im sure u all get the picture right?
my original name (arrowhead) came as one day many many many yrs ago.. about 6 or 7 ...(lol) when my "biker" dad was in idaho for the day so i found the RF game thought it looked fun.. back then i tried to play against my brother and his friend but they always beat me so i nvr played.. so i started playing and needed a name so i called myself arrowhead off a bottle of water ---first thing i could think of.. and i liked how it sounded!!

then XtaC (pronounced ex-tuh-see like the drug.. -idk how to spell the real thing- ) just came to me at one of my 8 pm - 7 a.m rf spree! simple as that..... must have been the lack of sleep. like the "movie high" of an xtac thing lol but to me it means like ... i cant rly explain it. like a pheonominal high.. like a level of higher reach then most people can get to. cuz as ive heard its a different high for each person, so in my rf name, a different level of skill for each person out there. :D
lol matt u nub I have u in my phone as Matt :/ ahah lol but choco ftw matt I miss u in rf a lot :( u need to get ure ass back in the game dude. remember all the fun we had in boh together lol always played every 2on2 war that ppl asked us for xD and like our 1v1 traing we did...fun times man :(
My first nick was Liberty...cauz my clanleaders name was justice and when we founded the clan we were only 2 persons...so I calld me Liberty...Justice and Liberty sounds good or not?

The second one was Ur$eL, because my clan wasnt no more but I like the $ in the names ...further more I playwith woman skin...so Ur$eL makes me happy...

Third one was L!b...the short form of L!bertY...

Bond comes because the skin of this dude looks like an original 007...

Many other names follow but at the end I stay at Default because the most players think if they see a default "oh a noob" HRHRHR...

Last but not least I find, that names are overrated ;)

best regards,
D-fault - L!b - Ur$eL - Bond - $tan
Is DeLuna your name?

What an amazing story! hahahaha
nice story deluna lol

ya choco if u were in my phone under henri id be like WHO THE F__K IS HENRI bcz i been callin u choco since i met u!
My story isn't as interesting as DeLuna's but here it goes anyways.... :p

When I was born my parents tried to think of a really cool name for me and they thought of Sharon, so thats what they named me. ;)
Through the years I kept the name without ever changing it. *it kind of grew on me*

Then one day I decided to try RF and thought and thought and thought of what name to use. I came up with Sharon and thought it was awesome so I used it for my game name. :D So now you know how I got my game name. :D

Here is another cute blonde joke, hope you like it.
*and yes I am blonde but it is also my real hair color* :p

A gorgeous young redhead goes into the doctor's office and said that her body hurt wherever she touched it.

"Impossible!" says the doctor. "Show me."

The redhead took her finger, pushed on her left shoulder and screamed, then she pushed her elbow and screamed even more.
She pushed her knee and screamed; likewise she pushed her ankle and screamed. Everywhere she touched made her scream.

The doctor said, "You're not really a redhead, are you?

"Well, no" she said, "I'm actually a blonde."

"I thought so," the doctor said. "Your finger is broken." B)
lmao, Nice one Sharon x.x...
This looks fun!

KETSU - Pretty sure it means BLOOD in Japenese. If not, then I don't care, because it still sounds cool. PRONOUNCIATION: KATE-SUE. Sounds like the names Kate and Sue put together.

&My Alias
PRETTY KITTY ;] - Hmm, OK So. .. Yeah, I can't really explain this one. =]

&My Real name

... *coughcough* You don't need to know that one. And you shouldn't be told. Only I am allowed to tell.


<EdiT<couchcough.. heh...Totally meant coughcough. Wow.>>


CreamY wrote:
idk how i get the z0r in my name :p but i liekd it and became Creamz0r :)!


You can thank me.

I was the original ZOR for up about 3 years now, if not about 2 and a half. andyzOr is my username on my STEAM and every single game I play with, even RF, FIFA, HALF LIFE, CAROM, and every other game I play/played with.
It's true o_O, Douche has had zor for as long as I could remember lol.

And Kitty,


... *couchcough* You don't need to know that one. And you shouldn't be told. Only I am allowed to tell.

Couch, Lmao. ;p
My turn.

This story takes place a long time ago...
When I use to play Diablo II, my brother created a guy named The Blacksmith.
I thought that a good way to piss people off... er... to have cool names I mean, would be to have names that worked together. I took a few seconds and named myself The Anvil, I really really liked this name, I like it so much I decided to use it to stroke my ego, and for every thing I play. Like when someone says that you chose a name that gets beat by your brothers, my simple response is that the Anvil never gets tired, yet the blacksmith always has to quit, the Anvil never quits because being beaten does nothing to him. Also, just for laughs I through this into my reply... The Blacksmith creates things, so you can call him a Creator, since the Anvil wears out the Creator before he can get worn out, I submit that the Anvil > the Creator. Since another name for God is the Creator, I secondly submit that The Anvil > God.

P.S. I am not narcissistic, because it is true...
*Applauds* *Tears*
Great story Anvil
*Bows* Thank you, thank you! *Exits Stage*
Ahaa!!! PyRo... Thanks for notifying me about my lame typo!

You know what I meant though.

Honestly! I can't type for the world today!
You're welcome :D
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nesquickk6 months ago
hi again. did the shoutbox get deleted, hahahaa
PraeTorian11 months ago
Dang, been a while. Hope the Voltz peeps are all doing well. -Prae
Cupid4 years ago
PyRo4 years ago
Cupid is a peetis
Cupid4 years ago
HEllo all
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