CJ wrote:
That statement doesnt prove evolution. If it is proven i would like to read about it, got a link that provides the proof?
Just google about viruses... Strongest will survive.
Most people COMPLETELY misunderstand evolution. Evolution is not: You sit by a river long enough and you'll get webbed feet. You adapt... Wrong.
Evolution is, at its simplest -- genetic mutation. There are constantly genetic mutations, some people are born with abnormal things, webbed feet for example or even worse, born like Nesquick.
So what happens is, when two creatures BOTH have the same genetic mutation (which is where it is extremely rare, because the mutation in itself is rare, and then for it to happen again, is even more rare) and they breed, their off spring can have the same mutation.
If this genetic mutation is something like, a fickle heart, then it dies, and basically, that's no use to anything...
If it's something useful, like webbed feet and that creature has to travel across water, a lot, to survive. Then naturally, this creature will find it EASIER to live than the others. Thus, when it meets another creature like itself, their children are stronger and better for survival.
At it's simplest:
Pretend there is a wall with a square hole in it. To survive, a creature must go through this hole...
Problem! There are only spherical creatures. Every million creatures, one creature has a baby diamond. That's no use... He can't go through the hole. Now pretend every billion creatures, they have a mutated baby which is actually a sphere.
Another billion creatures later... Another sphere. Great, two spheres on the other side of the wall. Now, they breed, more spherical babies. That specie is then stronger, better, it hasn't really adapted though... Not like a gecko changes its colour.
This is a bit of a poor example, because genetic mutations won't make you have a baby elephant instead of a human. Mutations are generally smaller things, however, evolution isn't about one thing happening just the once. It could be: better feet, slightly stronger legs, etc etc.
It is COMPLETELY impossible for evolution not to exist.
easy on me wrote:
And im a christian. I believe in God and creation.
Who created God?