Like Cupid, I'm offering some cash.
However, I'm cheap. So I'm only offering $30 USD.
First one to answer all these right will win.
I'm giving you 2 chances, and I will tell you up to 2 of them that are wrong if you have 6+ wrong.
I will give you until Dec. 5th to answer.
What suffix am I? (I, II, III, JR)
What is my middle name?
What is my favorite color other than green?
What is my favorite game?
-Red Faction
-Grand theft auto: IV
-God of War
What is my girlfriends name?
What console do I not have?
My favorite food is pizza.
I have my driver's license.
My favorite drink is:
-Monster Energy
-Coca Cola
I went to school for web design.
My favorite sport is:
I smoke cigarettes.
My favorite movie is?
-The Expendables
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